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Evaluate the importance of various technologies, including Canadian Contributions to our understanding of internal body systems. (Digestive, circulatory, respiratory)

Finally a bio blog that exhibits a positive influence in our world. Technology and health science what a great mix. This blog will not contain any negative or cons, rather exemplify genuine praise of the technology that humankind have created to benefit the world. In addition, finally my last bio blog, what a bitter-sweet moment. Well, not really, it’s been a fun and bumpy ride getting these done.

People sometimes call the human body a machine but it is the most wonderful one ever built. Of course, the human body is not a machine. But it can be compared to one in many ways. Like a machine, the body is made up of many parts. Each part of the body, like each part of a machine, does special jobs. But all the parts work together and so make the body or the machine run smoothly. Also like a machine, the body needs energy to work. In such a machine as a car, the energy comes from gasoline. In the body, it comes from food and oxygen. Cars and humans both need regular check-ups. They both use technology to investigate problems both internally and externally, but more importantly, the internal body. When a car experiences problems they go to a mechanic and with the help of various technologies they get the job done. It is similar to a human body, when we experience health problems we go to a doctor and with the help of various technologies they are able to intervene with our complicated system and restore it back to normal or close to normal.

Technology has been very beneficial since its discovery. Technology has enabled us to learn and discover more and more about our world, unravel new information, and maintain a balance in our world. Technology is very important in our lives, we use it on a daily basis sometimes we don’t even know that we are. If technology was simultaneously eliminated or slowly dissipate from our lives we will struggle to live for we have been so independent and rely on technology. Technology has a major contribution on the development of humankind. For example, for without technology we would not be able to get a better understanding of the human body and how it functions. Technology is a “doctor” that assists with an individual. Think about it, everywhere in a hospital a technological machine is assisting an actual Doctor in order to do wonders with people. Technology helps maintain lives, helps discover cures for diseases, and keeps everything running.

With the help of technology, human gets a better understanding of how the human body works.


Are you having breathing problems, chronic diarrhea, or internal bleeding? Well, you don’t need to fret. The doctor can inspect your problems by inserting a long, thin, flexible tube inside your body which has a light and a video camera. Sounds awful? No, it’s very effective actually. Endoscopy is the study of a person’s body using an endoscope. An endoscope takes images of the inside of the patient’s body. Endoscope is used to examine the interior body. Most endoscope enters the patient via the anus, throat, urethra, or a small incision made in the skin. The endoscope was first invested in 1805. However, it wasn’t effectively used until 1960s when fiber optics first appeared. It was a major factor to revolution this technology. Today, the endoscope is used for plenty of reasons. If an MRI, X-ray or CAT scan is not able to confirm a diagnosis, doctors rely on exploring the problem internally with the endoscope. There are various kinds of endoscope that examines different body systems from respiratory, to digestive, and even the endocrine system. A few examples of endoscopes are bronchoscopes which examine the lungs and air passages, gastroscopes examine the stomach, small intestine, and throat. Endoscopes can be used for surgeries such as the removal of the gallbladder, removing small tumors, and other respiratory and digestive problems.

Not willing to insert a tube into your body? Well, there’s an alternative. The complications that an endoscopy condones are tearing of an organ, infections along the path, and unexpected bleeding. If a patient’s not willing to take the risk of these complications they have the option to swallow a capsule endoscope. This process requires a patient to swallow a capsule with an attached camera the size of a pill. The capsule transmits images wirelessly to recorder and later the pictures are downloaded for the doctor to analyze. The invention of the endoscope has truly revolutionized the health care system as it enables doctors to analyze a patient’s diagnosis. It’s effective and gets the job done.


On July of 1977, a technology was invented that will forever change the perspective of modern technology in the medical field. The first MRI exam was performed on a human being. An MRI is a magnetic resonance imaging which helps doctors and physicians diagnose and treat medical conditions. Similar to an endoscope, MRI takes images of organs, soft tissues, and other body structures. However, it uses a powerful magnetic field and radio frequency to screen these images on a computer. MRI is used to take images of organs, like in the circulatory system, examination of potential diseases, and blockages and tumors. MRI has been very beneficial to the health care system and the understanding of the human body. A few benefits of MRI are discovering abnormalities and diagnosing a broad range of conditions. MRI today, takes images immediately it allows physicians to examine the patience diagnosis in a small amount of time.

Personally, I think that an MRI is a very interesting machine. I have experienced going through this procedure. I am amazed of how it works. A magnetic field is produced by passing an electric current through wire coils. The coils located in the machine send and receive radio waves, producing signals that are detected by the coils. A computer then processes the signals and generates a series of images. The physician will interpret the imaging to identity the diagnosis. This is a very fascinating technology, who knew that using magnetic field allows us to get a better understanding of the human body.


One of the most influential discoveries in Canadian history that has gained us more knowledge about the human body is the discovery of insulin. In 1921-1922, two Canadians, Frederick Banting and Charles Best discovered insulin which can treat and reduce the effects of diabetes. The study and discovery of insulin occurred in the University of Toronto. It was first used on a 14-year-old boy with diabetes successfully. Insulin is a natural hormone made by the pancreas that controls the level of the sugar glucose in the blood. Insulin allows cells to utilize glucose for energy; however, cell cannot use glucose without insulin. Diabetes is the failure to make insulin or respond to high levels of sugar in the blood. Insulin treats to different types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes in which the body cannot produce enough insulin independently, thus, it needs insulin from an outside source. The other, type 2 diabetes the insulin does not respond to the body normally. By reducing the concentration of glucose in the blood, insulin is thought to prevent or reduce the long-term complications of diabetes. Though it is not a cure, it has truly contributed to the better health and understanding of the human body. In 1923, Banting was awarded the Nobel Prize. I am proud of this Canadian discovery.


Technology will only get better and better, and if we use it for good the whole world will benefit. Technology has truly given us a better understanding of the human body. With better knowledge, we are able to pro-long life, diagnose patience, and discover new medicine. We have been so dependent with technology that our lives basically revolve around it. So we should give our praises and adoration to technology. Here it goes, thank you technology for giving us a better understanding of the world and ourselves.





Blogs comment on:

Jonathan Navarro http://chowlow.blogspot.com/2010/05/technology-and-medicine.html#comments

Cassandra Abas http://caseyabasiscool.blogspot.com/